Dr. Alan Smith
Dr. Alan Smith has a long career in natural resource management, beginning with research in the Pacific Islands. He then worked for the UK Government Tropical Products Institute, engaged mainly in market research including for non-timber forest products. Subsequently he undertook a managerial/technical advisory role in a Swiss-funded agricultural project in Pakistan, followed by 5 years as technical adviser in a community forest project in Bolivia.
Finally, after a short spell as a volunteer in China, Dr. Smith joined FSC International in charge of the Social Programme, later managing various national office-related donor funded projects, in the process assuming the function of Network Team Leader. Moreover, and specifically relevant to the side event, he designed, fund-raised for, and initiated the ForCES ecosystem services project. Since leaving FSC, Dr. Smith has undertaken a number of consultancy assignments related to natural resource management.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday October 11
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Room: Hibiscus & Frangipani
Language: English
Format: Hybrid