Marcus Colchester
PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford. He was Founder Director of the Forest Peoples Programme and now acts as Senior Policy Advisor. Marcus has over 35 years’ experience working with forest peoples in the humid tropics and Siberia. His expertise is in indigenous peoples, social and political ecology, standard setting, human rights, environment, development, land tenure, policy reform advocacy, ‘Free, Prior and Informed Consent’ and conflict resolution. Marcus has worked intensively in support of forest peoples’ rights in relation to logging, plantations, palm oil, extractive industries, dams, colonization, and protected areas. He is a member of CEESP and of the IUCN Task Force on Oil Crops and Biodiversity. He is a Board Member of the FSC. He has published widely in academic journals and NGO publications and has authored, edited, and contributed to many books.

Anders Blom
Anders Blom has a long working experience from both business development, public service and issues related to the livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples. In the latter capacity, Anders Blom was involved in the start of the Permanent Indigenous Peoples Committee, PIPC, within The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), he remained in PIPC for 7 years as a representative for Sápmi, the land of the Sami Peoples.
Mr. Blom was for a period managing director of the National Swedish Sami Association (SSR). In 2012, Anders Blom, as chairman, was responsible for building up the Protect Sapmi Foundation – a Norwegian organization with the object to assist and create capacity to Saami right holders in their dialogue with competing land interests, e.g. mining activities, windmills farms etc. Mr. Blom is still active in the Protect Sápmi Foundation as a senior adviser.
Mr. Blom has been engaged in FSC since 2004, During these years he has, among other things, been active on the board of the Swedish FSC, the standards committee that developed a new FSC standard in Norway and participated in several working groups on FPIC. Today, Anders Blom, since 2000, is chairman of the FSC Indigenous Foundation based in Panama.

Rodion Sulyandziga
Rodion Sulyandziga has many years of solid experience working on the promotion and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights at the local and global level including UN human rights mechanisms and bodies. Being an Udege (“Forest People”) indigenous origin he has first-hand knowledge of challenges faced by indigenous peoples in his region. Through his international and regional advocacy, documentation and research, Rodion is a well-recognized promoter of the rights of indigenous peoples. He has been the co-chair of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (2012-2016) and IP Global coordination committee of the UN High Level Plenary/World Conference on indigenous peoples (2013-2015). He had two UN holder position being a member of EMRIP (2019-2022) and LCIP Platform (2018-2021). He has Ph.D., Social Science.

Pamela Perreault
Pamela Perreault is a member of Garden River First Nation in Ontario. Her academic and consulting careers have taken her across Canada, and around the world in pursuit of knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Peoples’ connection with forested landscapes. She has worked with First Nation governments, regional organizations, NGOs and state governments on projects related to resource policy development and implementation, land-use planning, Indigenous housing, community-based research and the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in forest certification.

George Asher
Member the Ngati Tuwharetoa (Māori People) from New Zealand. +35 years of experience on forestry, Indigenous Peoples rights, community planning and development, cultural landscapes, traditional knowledge, and sustainable resource management. From 2011 to 2019, participated in the establishment of the PIPC and as its representative for Oceania. Current co-chair of the Te Kopu e Kanapanapa and member of the Advisory Board of the Te Poari Mahi in New Zeleand. Bachelor in Anthropology, Town Planning, and Environmental Law.

Mr. Adamu Kuleit Ole Lemareka (moderator/facilitator)
Mr. Adamu Kuleit Ole Lemareka is a Maasai leader and member of the FSC Permanent Indigenous Peoples Committee (PIPC) working to achieve stronger human rights and environmental representation in Tanzanian decision making. He supports the preservation of his local Parakuiyo culture and contributes to peacemaking and biodiversity conservation, especially on and around Mount Kilimanjaro.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday 11 October
Time: 09:00 - 10:30
Room: Jakarta
Language: English, French, Spanish
Format: Hybrid