Kara Wires, Preferred by Nature.
Kara has a MS in Forestry, University of Vermont and a BS in Natural Resources, University of Michigan.
Kara has over 20 years of experience working in FSC system. Currently, Kara oversees FSC FM certification work for Preferred by Nature in the US and Canada. Kara’s experience includes managing over 400 FSC forest certification projects, including being an auditor on over 40 FM audits. Kara has also been instructor for multiple FSC FM auditor trainings and has been involved in multiple special projects including standards field tests, pilots and working groups.

Andrew Goldberg, Rainforest Alliance
Andrew has a long history with the forest products industry ranging from outside campaigner to program leader for industry led projects. He is currently Manager, Business Development for Community Forest Enterprises with Rainforest Alliance, working to support better livelihoods and forest protection with forest communities around the world.
Previously, Andrew was the Project Manager for Rainforest Alliance’s Appalachian Woodlands Alliance (AWA) project, bringing together major companies from across the forest products value chain: Domtar, Avery Dennison, Columbia Forest Products, Evergreen Packaging, Kimberly-Clark, the US Forest Service and Staples, Inc. to explore new ways to support responsible forest management and expand certification for smallholders.

Dorothee Jung-Wilhelm, FSC International
Dorothee Jung-Wilhelm is the System Performance Program Manager of FSC International Center. She is guiding the revision of FSC’s core standard setting procedure and working with her team on guidance materials and tools to streamline the Normative Framework. She has 20 years of experience in working on standard setting.

Keith Moore, Consultant
Keith Moore has been involved with FSC for more than 20 years as a member, an FM auditor for three different CB’s, a trainer, a standard writer, and as the past Chair of the Policy Standards Committee. He has attended 4 previous General Assemblies. Currently he works on contract for ASI as an assessor, and has a variety of other clients.

Taruna, FSC International
Taruna is a sustainability professional with more than 8 years of experience in voluntary certifications, auditing and NRM projects. She is currently leading development and maintenance of FSC’s national and regional Forest Stewardship Standards (FSS) and revision of ‘Requirements for development and maintenance of FSS’. Before joining FSC IC, she worked as an auditor for forestry and water stewardship certification schemes.

Sean Cadman
Sean es un biólogo cualificado que ha pasado muchos años trabajando en evaluación ambiental, SIG, gestión ambiental, defensa del medio ambiente, política forestal y climática, práctica y política de certificación.
Sean fue miembro fundador de la junta directiva de FSC Australia y ocupó dos veces el cargo de presidente. Ha participado en múltiples procesos de FSC, tanto a nivel internacional como en Australia, y actualmente es el representante de la cámara norte de medio ambiente en el Comité Internacional de Políticas y Estándares de FSC, donde ha prestado sus servicios durante 6 años.
Sean, junto con su esposa Rosemary, dirige un pequeño alojamiento ecológico en las montañas del norte de Tasmania.

Vera Santos, FSC International
Vera Santos is the Program Manager of FSC Community and Family Forests Program. Vera has a degree on Forestry Engineer – Conservation of Natural Resources and several post-graduations on Business and Human Resources Management. With an extensive background in environmental and forest certification and experience on the corporate and non-for-profit sectors, she works with FSC since 2006, from different perspectives, mainly on small scale and community forestry. Vera is also a volunteer in alumnISA mentorship program at Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, where she graduated.

Amy Clark Eagle, Forest Stewardship Council US
Amy joined the Forest Stewardship Council US in 2016 as the Director of Science and Certification. In this role she leads the FSC team dedicated to development and application of FSC policies and standards in the United States, including the FSC US Forest Management Standard and FSC Controlled Wood US National Risk Assessment. Amy spent much of the previous 20 years collaborating with government and non-government partners to develop and implement landscape-scale conservation and management plans within and amongst managed forests.
Prior to joining FSC, Amy served as Biodiversity and Conservation Program Leader for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ (MDNR) Forest Resources Division, where one of her primary responsibilities was working to ensure that the MDNR maintained FSC forest management certification for 4 Million acres of state-administered forest lands. Amy is a graduate of Amherst College and earned her M.S. in Wildlife Science at the University of Washington-Seattle’s College of Forest Resources.
Event Details
Date: Monday 10 October
Time: 09:00 - 10:30
Room: Jakarta
Language: English
Format: Hybrid