Sara Teitelbaum, University of Montreal
Sara Teitelbaum is an associate professor at in the Sociology Department at the University of Montreal. Her research interests focus on participatory dimensions of natural resource management, with a particular emphasis on northern regions. Through qualitative research, she studies the evolution of governance, including decentralization, public participation and the reconciliation of diverse knowledge systems. She studies community-forest relationship in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Canada and Scandinavia. She is also involved in research exploring transformations in rural economies.

Constance L McDermott, University of Oxford
Constance L McDermott is Associate Professor and Jackson Senior Research Fellow in Land Use Governance, at the Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. A sociologist by training, she has over thirty years’ experience in research and applied work on the multi-level governance of forests and land use, including analysis of intergovernmental agreements, domestic policy, sustainability certification, and community-based resource management. Her work combines international comparative studies with in-depth field research across tropical, temperate, and boreal regions. She has been actively involved in FSC since 1997, when she interned for a local affiliate of the Rainforest Alliance SmartWood program, and joined the FSC’s social chamber.

Marine Elbakidze, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences & Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Marine Elbakidze is a Researcher at the Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. A geographer by training, she has extensively experience designing and conducting research in Europe, Latin America and Africa. Her research relies on the application of tools from transdisciplinary research to a wide range of natural resource management and governance issues at different scales. Current and previous projects focus on rural development, land use change, landscape restoration, forest governance and management. Marine has a large network of international researchers and practitioners within Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as a coordinating lead author.

Maria Tysiachniouk, University of Eastern Finland
Maria Tysiachniouk is researcher at Center for Independent Social Research, University of Eastern Finland. Maria Tysiachniouk holds a Master of Science in Environmental Studies from Bard College, NY, a PhD in Biology from the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a PhD in Sociology from Wageningen University (2012). Throughout her entire career, she has studied the environmental movement in Russia and its transformation. Her specific research interests include global governance through Forest Stewardship Council certification and transnational oil production chains in the Arctic. Tysiachniouk has written more than two hundred fifty publications on topics related to transnational environmental governance, edited several books and has had fieldwork experience in several countries and regions. She is currently a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland. In FSC she served on the FSC-Russia bord for five years, was consulting companies on FSC certification, was conducting training workshops on FSC social standards. She is an active FSC-International member.
Event Details
Date: Monday 10 October
Time: 09:00 - 10:30
Room: Hibiscus & Frangipani
Language: English
Format: Hybrid