La certificación de grupo de CdC FSC ofrece grandes oportunidades para las pequeñas empresas y FSC en el Norte y el Sur globales

Bert De Jong - Duracert, Christopher Gibbons - American Green Consulting Group, Doug Patterson - Forest Products Certification Group, Ulf Sonntag - ZGD

FSC CoC Group Certification Offers Great Opportunities for Small Businesses and FSC in the Global North and South
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Póster: La certificación de grupo de CdC FSC ofrece grandes oportunidades para las pequeñas empresas y FSC en el Norte y el Sur globales

(Disponible únicamente en inglés)

We need the engine of the economy in 35% certified companies are part of multisite, part of these are group members. For these small businesses, the FSC system is quite difficult to understand. There are an enormous number of rules and details that a company must comply with.

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