Recuperación de la biodiversidad: Cenibra construye un pilar de sostenibilidad

Jacinto Moreira De Lana, Edson Valgas De Paiva, Walter Da Silva Costa, Valério Araújo Frossard, André Fernandes Pedroso

Biodiversity Recovery
Biodiversity Recovery Cenibra’s Building a Sustainability Pillar
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Póster: Recuperación de la biodiversidad: Cenibra construye un pilar de sostenibilidad

(Disponible únicamente en inglés)

CENIBRA is located in the Atlantic Forest biome, one of the world’s most threatened and biodiverse biomes, for which reason it is deemed a hot spot of global importance. The Company recognizes that being sustainable while operating in such a context is a great challenge, as sustainability depends on biodiversity and all other services provided by healthy, protected ecosystems.

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