
Anyone can attend the FSC General Assembly, but only FSC International members who are in attendance or who have assigned a proxy can participate actively.

FSC AC / Geoff Howe


Only FSC international members can vote.

The FSC Statutes establish the conditions on voting.

The general assembly will strive to adopt decision by consensus.

Consensus is defined as the absence of sustained opposition but does not require unanimity.

In case of a vote, a decision is made when:

  • A quorum of more than 50 per cent of the voting power of the members of each of the chambers referred to in the Statutes of the organization is present (either physically or by proxy), and;
  • the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the voting power registered by members in good standing less votes abstaining in each chamber present at the time of the vote is reached, and;
  • the affirmative vote of two thirds of the voting power of all members in good standing present at the time of the vote less votes abstaining is reached and this constitutes the absence of sustained opposition.

The Statutes of the organization provide for the manner in which such voting power will be calculated.


Proxy Selection

Members who cannot attend the FSC General Assembly 2021 may designate another member as representative to vote on their behalf.

Members who want to designate a representative must provide a written statement attested by two witnesses and complete an application form.

Proxy selection is not available yet. We will add the application form in this website as soon as the selection opens.

Subsidy request

We understand that attending the general assembly can be costly for some members, which is why FSC has set up a small fund to help people attend. FSC is committed to supporting as many members to attend as possible.

Subsidy applications will be possible as soon as the general assembly registration opens. We will then include a subsidy application form to be filled directly in this website.



Any interested person may observe the proceedings of the general assembly, but only members may participate in discussions, voting or the submission of motions.